Book Review: Over It

      It is not often that I do not connect with a book, Over It by Kelsey Grimm is one of those rare books that I have a hard time connecting to. That being said, I am positive with her encouraging message that others would connect and find value in...

Empties for August

It is hard to believe that this is the last day of August. It went by super fast, didn’t it? I was scheduled for my next dilation surgery for my throat on September 1st, but it was cancelled because of the hospitals being at 95 percent closer and the new Delta...

Book Review: Sacred Tears

  Grief is an old friend that I have known since I was 13 years old when my birth mother passed away. When 2009 came around and my chronic illness journey began, I knew grief was going to be part of it. I still grieve from time to time. In my Faith box in August,...

Fruit of the Spirit: Patience

I have been struggling writing this post on patience this month. The reason I am struggling with writing this is because I lack patience when it comes to me. I am impatience when it comes to my health. I am impatience with my body and the lack of things I cannot do...

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