by Jamie Holloway | May 11, 2016 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, Supporting Each Other, The Magnificent Journey
The quote above is from a Hillsong United Song. I went to their concert last night. I cried, I sang, I danced in my wheelchair. I needed this night of worship. I needed to be reminded who Jesus is. It is Vasculitis month and Arthritis month. How fitting...
by Jamie Holloway | May 9, 2016 | Books/Music, Exhilarating People, Supporting Each Other, The Magnificent Journey
God Gave Me You by Tricia Seaman and Diane Nichols tells the extraordinary story about a nurse and patient relationship that goes beyond the hospital setting. Tells the story of a woman who was dying and wanted to have her son in a safe, loving home before she left...
by Jamie Holloway | May 7, 2016 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
I have been reading the blog “A New Kind of Normal” for about a year now. I found it while I was doing some research on other bloggers with chronic conditions. Now she is starting up a new monthly support for us bloggers with Chronic conditions called “Sharing...
by Jamie Holloway | Apr 9, 2016 | Books/Music, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
I received a free copy of Think Big by Jennifer Arnold and Bill Klein from Howard Books, for my honest review. The opinions I express are my own. I love reading inspirational stories like the one I found in Think Big by Jennifer Arnold, MD and Bill...
by Jamie Holloway | Apr 8, 2016 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
Choosing wellness is such a challenging decision to make. Think about it, on TV you are bombarded with ads talking about liposuction, new crazy dance exercises that say we are the best to get that sexy body, ads for new fandangle exercise equipment that can whip your...
by Jamie Holloway | Mar 10, 2016 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, Supporting Each Other, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
Philippians 4:11-13 (amplified) “Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted in whatever state I am. I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened...
by Jamie Holloway | Feb 20, 2016 | Books/Music, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
I don’t usually gush over novels, but in this case I am going to. “Come to the Garden” by Jennifer Wilder Morgan came into my life just at the perfect time. It talked about possible, worship, and being open, it had all the focus words that I wanted my 2016 to...
by Jamie Holloway | Feb 18, 2016 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, Supporting Each Other, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
Two weeks before I was going in for my Tracheal Stenosis surgery I read a magnificent book about journaling. “Let it Out” written by Kate Dalebout. Journaling has been a sacred connection and practice that I have been using since I started my journey with my...
by Jamie Holloway | Nov 30, 2015 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
I got a new device. A friend was not using his Asus tablet with windows ten, so he gave it to me. I was excited. Because I’ve been looking into getting one for myself for when I am not able to speak after my surgery. God works in mysterious ways. While...
by Jamie Holloway | Nov 22, 2015 | Books/Music, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
Worship, what do you think of when you hear this word? For some reason I think negatively when I hear the word worship. I have visions of people rolling on the floor, screaming, crying, and acting strangely. That is what I envision when I think of the word...
by Jamie Holloway | Nov 17, 2015 | Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
I received my Eating Well magazine at the end of October and I found a great pumpkin pie tart recipe that I wanted to make for my sister in law. My sister in law loves pumpkin pie and she has done a lot for me in the last 6 years since I have been sick. Including...
by Jamie Holloway | Sep 27, 2015 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
Yes, it is that time of month where I reflect on my goals that I set for myself in September and pick new goals for October. Having surgery on the 9th set me back on a couple of my goals for the month. It seems I’m always having some sort of set back with my...
by Jamie Holloway | Aug 16, 2015 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
My breathing has been waning this week. It has to do with the quality of the air due to the many fires that are going around my area in Oregon and Washington. It sucks. No other words describes it. This week I have not done any exercises at all because of it. I feel...
by Jamie Holloway | Jul 11, 2015 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
For the last 71 days I have been reading the devotional “Devotions for a Healthier You” by Katie Farrell. Surrendering, nutrition, movement are just a few of the words I decided to focus on for 2015. I thought this devotional by Farrell would aide me on that...
by Jamie Holloway | Jun 16, 2015 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
I’m sitting on my bed while I am writing this. It’s been a long and insightful day. Remission has happened. Yes, I Jamie Holloway, lover of butterflies, who reads and writes for this blog is in remission. I have not fully comprehended what remission means. I’m not...
by Jamie Holloway | Jun 5, 2015 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
Since the last week of April until June 2nd every Tuesday I have been going to a class called “Living Well with Chronic Conditions”. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook then you have seen a few quotes that I have posted from the book “Living a Healthy Life...
by Jamie Holloway | May 28, 2015 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
It is hard to believe that June is almost here. Three days are left in the month of May. May was a crazy month for me. I had one of my older sisters staying with me for two weeks. It was a ton of fun but also stressful. I didn’t accomplish any of the goals I...
by Jamie Holloway | May 21, 2015 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
My birthday is today. I am turning 41 and I am embarking on my 42nd year. The last two weeks I have been missing in action because my sister came from Alabama for a visit. We spent a lot of time with our aunt who is fighting stage 4 ovarian cancer. I wanted to...
by Jamie Holloway | Apr 25, 2015 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity of cowardice, or craven and cringing and fawning fear, but he has given us a spirit of power and of love and of calm, and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. The verse above I read the other...
by Jamie Holloway | Apr 22, 2015 | Books/Music, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
“Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand a true life story of brave men, in particularly one man Louie and he survived, endured, and found hope through the shittiest parts of life. The story of Louie deeply inspired and encouraged me. While in the hospital last week, my...
by Jamie Holloway | Apr 20, 2015 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
This month I went on a bit of a buying spree. I bought 3 new books that got my attention while browsing a Christian book store. I bought 2 from there and I found another at Winco my grocery store. I believe the four books I am reading were divine attentions from God....
by Jamie Holloway | Apr 19, 2015 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
The best new chapters begin with faith and honesty. Chris Brown Friday April 17th, I had my dilation surgery. The first one in a long time without my trach. Because of the larynxspasms I have had in the past in my voice box the Anesthesiologist has to be more mindful...
by Jamie Holloway | Mar 20, 2015 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, Exhilarating People, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey
Monday, one of my sisters came for a short visit. I decided I wanted to make lunch for us. Our nephew, who happens to be one of my caregivers was here too. I tried out a new recipe from “Practical Paleo” page 336, so recipe 3 is done. I think I rocked...
by Jamie Holloway | Feb 13, 2015 | Books/Music, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
Mental illness runs in my family. Depression is the culprit. Though depression has many difference faces and has many different disguises I can still pick it out of the line-up. I had a bout of depression. Thankfully, I sought out counseling and received...
by Jamie Holloway | Jan 20, 2015 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
When I chose my focus words I didn’t realize how quickly a couple of them would start coming into play in my life. I chose the word Surrender because at the time I was reading Rick Warren’s book “Purpose Drive Life” which I hope to post my book review tomorrow when I...