Chia Pudding

A couple of weeks ago I bought a package of Bob Redmill’s Chia seeds. I have heard some amazing things about how good they are for you and that you can make pudding from it. I wanted to make the pudding. Last week I used them to put into some blueberry muffins. This...

Being Well Goals

Saturday my caregiver asked me a point blank question that has caused me to think. She asked “What are your goals before and after surgery and I don’t mean just physical, but the mental, and spiritual goals.” I have been concentrating on my physical goals. That needs...

Finding My Mojo

While reading Job chapter 10, the first verse hit me hard. Job says “I am weary of my life and loathe it! I will give free expression to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.” Job was having a bad day. Actually he was having a bad month. He was...

Chasing Silhouettes

  “Chasing Silhouettes”  by Emily T. Weirenga is a book about eating disorders. I cried when I read the stories in this book. Eating is one of the elements that all of us humans share. It connects us. We eat around a table for meals together. In Weirenga’s book...

Beginning Again!

  The last month I have been in a funky mood. The disappointment of not getting rid of my trach because of the swelling after my surgery had me reeling. I needed to take some time to reflect and make choices in where I want to go. While reflecting I slept a lot,...

Finally An Update

  Gardens are not things of moderation. Jennifer McGruther I’ve been procrastinating writing an updated blog post because I don’t feel like I have anything to report. I will share one simple truth. I failed this week. I have not done any of the circuit training...


It is hard to believe it is the second week in February and I feel like I have accomplished a lot this month. First, I roller skated, then I went and played out in the snow, and then this weekend I walked to the store which is probably about a block from my...

Paleo Week One

Yesterday evening when I went to the lobby to use the Internet and to check my email I received an offer from Lift an application to help you make small changes on your journey to health with the Paleo eating plan and I decided to join. I have been dabbling in Paleo...

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