Trach Care

I felt compelled to write about my trach. What has brought this up? Well, when I went in to get my CT scan. I had to switch my steal trach to a plastic so that it wouldn’t shine on the CT scan.  The nurse was fearful of my trach. And it had me concern. If a medical...


I am faced with another obstacle in my life. Of course, it is still my throat. Below my voice box this time around. It is jammed full of scar tissue. So full in fact that the doctor was amazed that I was still able to speak. There is no air flow coming through the...

Balm for the Soul.

A year ago I set out on a reading journey. I don’t remember ever reading the bible all the way through. I knew scriptures. Ones that I have memorized in Sunday school and those I think of that my dad or mom would quote or my brother or sisters would. When I got sick,...

Finding My Mojo

While reading Job chapter 10, the first verse hit me hard. Job says “I am weary of my life and loathe it! I will give free expression to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.” Job was having a bad day. Actually he was having a bad month. He was...

I”m Back!

  Amazing how receiving flowers can brighten someone’s day. My neighbor brought me some gorgeous red and yellow mums. He won them and he thought that I would enjoy them. The last couple of weeks, actually if I were to be honest the last few months have been tough...

30 Things

Invisible Illness Week will be upon us in a week. This years theme is “Just One”. I love it. Here is my meme for 30 things you didn’t know.   1. The illness I live with is: Wegener’s and Rheumatoid arthritis. 2. I was diagnosed with it in the...

Beginning Again!

  The last month I have been in a funky mood. The disappointment of not getting rid of my trach because of the swelling after my surgery had me reeling. I needed to take some time to reflect and make choices in where I want to go. While reflecting I slept a lot,...

Hiit It!

  Moving has been one of the things that I have missed since I’ve started my healing journey with my Vasculitis 5 years ago. Since my first surgery in 2009 until my last one July 24, 2014 I have been dreaming about moving my body. This last surgery gave me more...


Saturday evening I woke up throwing up and having diaherra. Not fun at all. I ended up throwing up a lot of the soup I had that day. I didn’t even digest my meals or the pain medication that I took. I texted my caregiver, my neighbor, and my sister in hopes that...

I am Blessed

  I am sitting on my bed enjoying the atmosphere of my home. I am sad to report that my surgery on July 24th did not go as planned. I had my sister Carri write down what Dr. Anderson said to her and my brother Rob while I was in recovery. Trachea is small like a...

Last Day!

    I will be getting off of the computer and probably won’t be back on until Saturday. I don’t know if I will be taking my lap top to the hospital or not. I won’t know the exact time for my surgery until after 4 tonight, but I know it was...

Many Possibilities

  Man, the weeks seem to be going by faster and faster. In eight days I will be trachless. I will be going in for my 50th throat surgery. I will be going to sleep with a trach and then waking up without one. I am overjoyed with all the possibilities. There is a...

The Possibilities

I have some news to share. I saw Dr. Anderson on Tuesday and it looks like I will be having another surgery. Not a dilation surgery. The surgery will be where they will cut off the flap of granulation that I have gotten from the taking out and putting back in my trach...

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