by Jamie Holloway | Nov 5, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
I felt compelled to write about my trach. What has brought this up? Well, when I went in to get my CT scan. I had to switch my steal trach to a plastic so that it wouldn’t shine on the CT scan. The nurse was fearful of my trach. And it had me concern. If a medical...
by Jamie Holloway | Nov 5, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
I am faced with another obstacle in my life. Of course, it is still my throat. Below my voice box this time around. It is jammed full of scar tissue. So full in fact that the doctor was amazed that I was still able to speak. There is no air flow coming through the...
by Jamie Holloway | Oct 27, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
A year ago I set out on a reading journey. I don’t remember ever reading the bible all the way through. I knew scriptures. Ones that I have memorized in Sunday school and those I think of that my dad or mom would quote or my brother or sisters would. When I got sick,...
by Jamie Holloway | Oct 22, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
While reading Job chapter 10, the first verse hit me hard. Job says “I am weary of my life and loathe it! I will give free expression to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.” Job was having a bad day. Actually he was having a bad month. He was...
by Jamie Holloway | Oct 21, 2014 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
I am thankful tonight as I am sitting on my comfortable bed writing on my new to me lap top. You see 3 weeks ago my previous lap top stopped charging. I thought it was just in need of a new charger, but I was wrong. Turns out that the charger part of my lap top melted...
by Jamie Holloway | Sep 26, 2014 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, The Magnificent Journey
Thinking: I have a ton on my mind. First the upcoming surgeries in the next year so that I can get rid of my trach and breathe normal again. I’m nervous and scared, but I will move forward anyway. I am also thinking about food, because I know with all the...
by Jamie Holloway | Sep 23, 2014 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
I know, I know I said I didn’t want to read anymore diet books. “Part Time Paleo” by Leanne Ely isn’t a diet book. Leanne writes great articles for Flylady and for her own blog Saving Dinner that I have been following for years. So when I saw that she wrote a...
by Jamie Holloway | Sep 21, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
Amazing how receiving flowers can brighten someone’s day. My neighbor brought me some gorgeous red and yellow mums. He won them and he thought that I would enjoy them. The last couple of weeks, actually if I were to be honest the last few months have been tough...
by Jamie Holloway | Sep 12, 2014 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, The Magnificent Journey
I really enjoyed reading Joyce Meyer’s book “Good Health, Good life”. I needed to be reminded of how and why I should make healthy choices for my body. A few of the strategies Meyer’s talks about in her book hit home for me. The ones that hit home for me were:...
by Jamie Holloway | Sep 1, 2014 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, The Magnificent Journey
“The Plant Plus Diet Solution” by Joan Borysenko gave this lady a deeper understanding about all the diets and ideas that are out there. Borysenko says everyone’s bodies are different so we can’t all benefit from the same diet. We all need different things to...
by Jamie Holloway | Aug 29, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
Invisible Illness Week will be upon us in a week. This years theme is “Just One”. I love it. Here is my meme for 30 things you didn’t know. 1. The illness I live with is: Wegener’s and Rheumatoid arthritis. 2. I was diagnosed with it in the...
by Jamie Holloway | Aug 20, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
The last month I have been in a funky mood. The disappointment of not getting rid of my trach because of the swelling after my surgery had me reeling. I needed to take some time to reflect and make choices in where I want to go. While reflecting I slept a lot,...
by Jamie Holloway | Aug 10, 2014 | Auto-immune, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
Friday I was told that I needed to start eating more of the good bacteria to combat my recent outbreak of C-diff. I contracted C-diff after taking antibiotics in the hospital for my throat surgery on July 24th. I am happy to say my C-diff is under control and I...
by Jamie Holloway | Aug 9, 2014 | Auto-immune, Books/Music, The Magnificent Journey
Moving has been one of the things that I have missed since I’ve started my healing journey with my Vasculitis 5 years ago. Since my first surgery in 2009 until my last one July 24, 2014 I have been dreaming about moving my body. This last surgery gave me more...
by Jamie Holloway | Aug 5, 2014 | Auto-immune, Inspiring Nutrition, The Magnificent Journey
Disclaimer: I have not been paid for my review of Caltrate Calcium and Vitamin D3 Supplement Gummy Bites. However, I did receive a free sample of their product in exchange for my review. Taking supplements has become an important regiment in staying healthy...
by Jamie Holloway | Aug 2, 2014 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
I am finally feeling like myself again. This week has been a big lesson in my life of appreciating what I have. When I learned upon waking up from surgery that I had to have my trach again to say I was disappointed is an understatement. I feel not only disappointment,...
by Jamie Holloway | Jul 28, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
Saturday evening I woke up throwing up and having diaherra. Not fun at all. I ended up throwing up a lot of the soup I had that day. I didn’t even digest my meals or the pain medication that I took. I texted my caregiver, my neighbor, and my sister in hopes that...
by Jamie Holloway | Jul 27, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
I am sitting on my bed enjoying the atmosphere of my home. I am sad to report that my surgery on July 24th did not go as planned. I had my sister Carri write down what Dr. Anderson said to her and my brother Rob while I was in recovery. Trachea is small like a...
by Jamie Holloway | Jul 23, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
I will be getting off of the computer and probably won’t be back on until Saturday. I don’t know if I will be taking my lap top to the hospital or not. I won’t know the exact time for my surgery until after 4 tonight, but I know it was...
by Jamie Holloway | Jul 20, 2014 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
The Soap Factory Dark Chocolate body soap bar made with olive oil and coconut oil is amazing stuff. When I get my infusion of Rituximab I get seriously dry skin. It flakes, it itches, and my skin feels like sandpaper. The only thing that I have found that works...
by Jamie Holloway | Jul 16, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
Man, the weeks seem to be going by faster and faster. In eight days I will be trachless. I will be going in for my 50th throat surgery. I will be going to sleep with a trach and then waking up without one. I am overjoyed with all the possibilities. There is a...
by Jamie Holloway | Jul 10, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
I have some news to share. I saw Dr. Anderson on Tuesday and it looks like I will be having another surgery. Not a dilation surgery. The surgery will be where they will cut off the flap of granulation that I have gotten from the taking out and putting back in my trach...
by Jamie Holloway | Jul 8, 2014 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey, Weight
I will start this post out by saying what a ride these last couple of days. First Sunday, I had to go to the emergency room. I have not gone to the ER in almost a year. I woke up Sunday coughing which signals that I need to change my trach. I do not have...
by Jamie Holloway | Jun 30, 2014 | Auto-immune, Exhilarating People, The Magnificent Journey
When faced with a scary and debilitating disease such as Wegener’s one must have a team of doctors to make being well a possibility. I’m thankful that with my stenosis I have a set of doctors that make my well-being a huge possibility. I have been blessed that God has...
by Jamie Holloway | Jun 28, 2014 | Auto-immune, The Magnificent Journey
When I woke up with my trach I have to admit that I was scared to death. I wasn’t able to talk. I wasn’t able to move well. I had tubes coming out of my chest and throat. I couldn’t communicate. I was overwhelmed. I was scared. I was ashamed. Mainly, I just...