
  Good morning, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I had a quiet and reflective weekend. Friday I was reading in my devotional “Jesus Calling” and Ephesians 4:22-24” Strip yourself of your former nature put off and discard your old unrenewed self which...

That Time Again.

It is that time of again, my weekly update. Let me tell you it was a challenging week, but I am through it. First of all, I had to go the ER Monday night and spent 7 hours there. Not fun, but I had a nice nurse that made it bearable. Just below my stoma I have a...


Can you believe a week has slipped by again? I can’t. First, a big pat on my back, I got the security code so that I can use the treadmill or bicycle in my apartment buildings gym. Saturday I walked for 5 minutes on the treadmill even with my calf hurting. I was...

Are You Getting Enough?

If you are a friend of mine on Facebook then you will be privy to my status about my calf pain. I woke up Friday morning with my calf hurting, not cramping. My calf muscle felt strained and my first thought “oh crap not another symptom, ugh!”  Then I had a couple of...

Vegetable Saute

I found some great vegetables some of them needed to be cooked right away. So I made this yummy sauté of the different vegetables and let me tell you it was yummy. I know eating lots of greens and vegetables helps my body to keep going when I am having a flair up. I...

Goals Await Me

Update time, I was busy yesterday so that I didn’t get a chance to write or even go on the Internet until late at night. I enjoyed my day. I got my cupboards washed and waxed, a toaster over to use, and an opportunity to visit with one of my sisters. I still have not...

That Time Again

    This week has been a roller coaster ride of emotions. I have been eating a lot more than I usual do. I have not been doing the myfitnesspal, I know, I haven’t cared what I have been putting in my mouth because I am so frustrated and flustered with all...

The Joys Of Medication

I found this graphic someone made about medications. I take steroids, 2 chemo drugs (Azapathrine and Rituximab), several supplements, and Hydrochlorqine. I am one of the lucky few who has not had to take narcotics to deal with my pain. I am thankful. Taking these...

Yeah Me!

  Wednesday is here again, and Independence Day is upon us. I loathe Independence Day, not because I am not patriotic. I love my country, I just don’t like all the explosions that happen and how some individuals don’t use their brains very well during this time...

Cartwheels Time!

  Time for my weekly update, I like writing my updates on Jamie Chases Butterflies. It helps me stay on what my goals are and when I feel that I am not making progress it shows that I am actually. I know I get discouraged when I think my life isn’t going anywhere...


I am tired. Not just physically tired, emotionally and spiritually tired as well. I am tired of going to the doctor. I am tired of taking the medications I have to. I am tired of having to breathe with a steel trach in my throat. I am just plain old tired. I am sure...

Infusion Day!

    Infusion day has arrived. All day from 9 AM until 4:30 PM I have been in the clinic receiving my Rituximab infusion which helps my auto-immune disease. Even though I am not feeling well I know that this drug helps my inflammation and will allow me to live my life....

Burnout Day 20!

    Today’s prompt: It’s the worst. That feeling when nothing seems to be going right for you and you’re not sure when things will turn around. The dreaded, burnout. What does it feel like? What are your burnout triggers?   I want to be negative when I...

Spring Is Here

  The obstacles in my life are happening so that something can be born perfectly. What am I birthing? What has this long journey been showing me? While I have been painfully crawling through the gunk of my life I have been show these things. I am strong. I am...

Adventures In Rehab

  Two weeks down and six weeks to go for my pulmonary rehabilitation and progress are being made just in the three days I have gone. I go two days a week. I woke up Wednesday morning with a fever and dizziness due to my taking of Ciprofloxacin. This medication is...

Improvements In Movement

  I found out on Friday that the pulmonary rehab is already showing signs of improvement in my movement health. While walking the long corridor towards my doctor’s office my heart rate did not go up to 183 or higher like usual. It only reached 156. Yes, it was...

Back In Pink

  For the last 3 to 4 days I have been fighting a bout of insomnia, causing me not to want to do my rehab on Monday. I hate when this happens. This woman loves her sleep and she does not feel like herself without it. Despite feeling this way I went ahead and...

The Road

“I will point out the road that you should follow, I will be your teacher and watch over you. Don’t be stupid like horses and mules that must be led with ropes to make them obey.” Psalms 32:8-11 I am the most stubborn woman. It takes me a long time to make a decision...

Rare Disease Day

  Today is Rare Disease Day. There are over 7,000 rare diseases and I have one of them. All of the diseases are different, but the one thing that is the same is that it affects people no matter what your race or religion is. The effects of being ill often times...

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