Messy Life

Healing is the name of the game for me this week. It has been one week since I had my third surgery in my lungs in a month period of time. I am breathing well. I can feel the stint sometimes when I move. It feels strange, but somehow it feels comforting at the same...

Herd of Turtles

  Nine days into September and I am late with my monthly post. I am moving slow. I have had three surgeries between my trachea and lungs this month. From August 10th my first surgery, August 25th, and yesterday on the 8th. I am not done yet. I have surgery in...

Goals for July

Happy Independence! With the way things have been going on with the Supreme Court ruling and other things it is hard to remember the good things about being an U.S. Citizen. I am choosing to remember the good things, while at the same time fighting for my rights as a...

My Year of Intentional

I am having a hard time fathoming that this is the last month of the year. That in a few short weeks will be the end of 2021. It is time for me to review my year. I chose the word Intentional. I chose the word intentional because my heart hurt after all the election...

What’s the Point?

      The last couple of months I have been struggling with what’s the point of dealing day in and day out with my illness, with my trach tube, with going towards bariatric surgery, and I have felt disappointment and overwhelmed by all that these three...

My Lament

Warmth, the cold morning air in my apartment allows me to climb into my bed with my soft plush blankets and my cat as I type. February, I made the decision to lament. I read a book called The Loud Sound about grieving and allowing yourself to lament that I was...

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