Hope Your Heart Needs

  My day seems to go better when I spend time with God each morning. The days that I don’t, I don’t feel like myself. That is why I spend time with devotionals. One devotional that I just completed was Holley Gerth’s Hope Your Heart Needs. In this devotional...

Beauty in the Breakdown

    I enjoy reading memoirs of other chronic illness babes like myself. Beauty in the Breakdown by Julie Roberts is one of those memoirs that I can now include on my list of inspirational memoirs to read. In this book she is candid about her experiences in...

Silencing Insecurity

    I learned a lot from reading Becoming Resilient from Donna Gibbs so I was looking forward to diving into her newest book “Silencing Insecurity”. I was not disappointed. Gibbs thoughtfully and with wisdom describes so many of the mental, emotional, and...

Second Chance Dogs

  I have a rescue cat. I love him dearly. He adds a lot of enjoyment in my life. So, when I received Second Chance Dogs by Callie Smith Grant I knew that I would love this book. Pets, no matter what they are add a lot of love, healing, and comfort to everyone...

Pull It Off

    Identity is a tough subject to meander through, even for a middle aged adult woman, so I can imagine all the confusion for the young ladies get from all social media and magazines. In Julianna Zobrist book Pull It Off she takes us on her own journey...

The Nehemiah Code

    Rebuild has been my focus word for 2018. God has shown me so much and has brought some interesting things into my path. The Nehemiah Code by O.S. Hawkins is one of those things. Hawkins talks about how Nehemiah rebuilt the temple and how he got it done....

Thirsty for More

        I love reading memoirs especially ones that share their own period of being silent and alone while recovering. In Allison Allen’s case she was having a challenging pregnancy. I love that she wrote about her desert season while making a new...

Give Them Jesus

      Being a parent is a challenging job, you are responsible for so much when it comes to children. It can be overwhelming. In Dillon T. Thornton’s book Give Them Jesus he gives you a guide in teaching them about Jesus. Teaching children about Jesus...

A Light So Lovely

    One of my favorite books as a child was Madeleine L’Engle’s Wrinkle in Time. The story spoke to my soul and it started me on my journey of becoming a lifetime reader and it enhanced my faith in God. In Sarah Arthur’s book A Light So Lovely we go on a...

Not The Boss Of Us

    Navigating being a parent is overwhelming for a lot of mother’s. In Kay Wills Wyma book Not the Boss of Us she takes on the word overwhelmed head on. She has a lot of insightful and helpful tips and advice for parents who are overwhelmed for their...

The Road To Freedom

  I have heard of Celebrate Recovery before, but I didn’t know a lot about it. I thought it was only focused on drug addiction, apparently I was wrong. I enjoyed reading Johnny Baker’s book The Road to Freedom. What I liked was the in depth approach to the soul...

Unbridled Faith

      Spending time with God every morning is part of my self-care routine. I can tell a difference in my attitude and wellbeing when I don’t take the time every morning to have my devotion time and spend time in God’s word. Unbridle Faith by Cara...

Praying God’s Promises

  Praying and meditating on God’s word has been and will be one thing that I do that helps me through the many challenges that I have and am facing when it comes to my health. I sometimes feel like I’m not doing it correctly. In Linda Evans Shepherd’s book...

Boundaries for Your Soul

  Recently I started back to counseling because as I am going through the process of weight loss surgery I knew that I needed help emotionally in handling the challenges. Then I received Boundaries for Your Soul by Alison Cook and Kimberly Miller. I felt God...

Engraved on the Heart

I apology for not being able to show a picture of Engraved on the Heart, unfortunately when I received this book it was damaged. The post office sent a note saying, sorry for the damage to your package. Although, the outside of this book is damaged I still found value...

Tailor Made

    Being authentic has been a life lesson for me. I grew up not being allowed to be who I was created to be. When I reached my 30’s and discovered I had several chronic illnesses I realized the importance of being authentically me with Jesus’ help. In...

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