Book Review: Beautifully Broken

I love reading stories of strong men and women who become disabled and how they have chosen to live well anyway. In Beautifully Broken by Paige and Josh Wetzel we go on a journey of a soldier who lost both of his legs in Afghanastan and is amazing journey to finding...

The Last Two Weeks

This morning I am sitting on my bed listening to IHeart Radio For King and Country station as I write and wait for my caregiver to show up. So much has happened since I came home from the hospital. Nicholas still has not left my side. He currently is laying beside me...

Book Review: The Love Note

I love reading novels with strong women. I even love reading historical novels about strong women. The Love Note is a historical type of romance novel that features a strong woman who wants to be a doctor in 1865. I love that. I’m not going to ruin the story by...

Book Review: The Key to Love

I love reading novels especially since part of my chronic illness is having sleepless nights. I love getting lost in a story so I can forget about my pain and not being able to sleep. Recently, I read The Key to Love by Betsy St. Amant. I love novels about strong...

Fear of Suffocating!

Warning: This is going to be a dark post. I am going to share a lot of disturbing and painful things in this post and it may trigger some. If you are easily triggered I won’t be offended if you don’t read this.   I am having a hard time sleeping tonight. I have a...

The Conqueror

    I enjoy reading historical fiction so when I was given a chance to read Bryan Litfin’s novel The Conqueror which is based on Constantine’s army rampage through Germanic lands I wanted to dive in. I don’t know much about Constantine’s goal of turning all...

Quiet Times with God

Diving into the word of God and spending time with Him helps me deal with the frustrations of living with a chronic condition. I do this in many forms, from reading devotional books, listening to Podcasts, and the Bible app on my Kindle. There is so much angst in the...

Review: Point of Danger

If you follow my blog, Instagram, Facebook, or my Twitter page then you are aware that I live with a chronic illness. One of the tools I use to deal with my is distraction, and I use reading a good novel as a distraction from my painful days. I love mysteries. I love...

Praying for Emily

              Cancer sucks, but when it is a child who is fighting cancer it triple sucks. In Praying for Emily by the Whitehead family they share their experience with cancer. This book will make you cry, it will make you rejoice...

When Women Pray

  Praying, I have a lot of self-doubt when it comes to praying whether I am by myself or in a crowd. I also have known some people in my life who use prayer for sermon purposes. You know like the Sadducees that Jesus condemned with their standing on street...

Possibility List

I’m sitting on my bed listening to some classical music with Nicholas, my big furry cat by my side. Nothing feels more comforting than evenings like this especially with all the emotional and physical violence going on in the world lately.  Friday night I watched a...

Do It Afraid

    Fear, every single human alive whether male or female, black, white, Native American, Asian, Arabian, or Spanish experience fear. Fear is in our DNA. There is healthy fear and then there is fear that is not healthy and many of us live in the unhealthy...

Book Review: Chronic Babe 101

As one who lives with several chronic illnesses for the last eleven years I have been on a long seek and find mission to find wonderful women and men who have lived well despite having an illness with no cure. Chronic Babe creator Jenni Grover is one such women whom I...

The Shift

Reading fabulous books like “The Shift” by Keion Henderson is how I am spending my time while in quarantine. Henderson’s book is a great self-help type of book with the focus being on God and moving forward through all the challenges we face.  What I love is the...

Ultimate Veg

Just like the rest of you I am in quarantine. I have been busy writing articles for Wellness Works NW and reading a ton of books and watching DVD’s that I got before my Library closed. One of the gems I got from my library is a new cookbook from Jamie Oliver. ...

Galatians: A Bible Study

I enjoy and get a lot of great soul work from reading Joyce Meyers Bible Study books. I previously read Ephesians and James. I just finished ready Galatians and I read it like a devotional. It has helped during this strange and scary time with the coronavirus going...

Chasing the White Lion

What a crazy period of time we are living in right now. I live in the state of Washington where we are being asked to stay at home. I have been taking this opportunity to read books from my to be read pile. The first book I read, James R. Hannibal book Chasing the...

Tasting Grace

I am currently on the milk diet portion of my weight loss surgery journey so of course I am reading a book about food. The book I am reading is called Tasting Grace by Melissa D’Arabian. This book takes you on a Biblical journey with God about food. I am realizing...

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