I recently got a bunch of blood work done. I discovered that I am low in iron and my protein levels are extremely low, especially albumin. This indicates I need to eat more protein and iron rich foods and take an iron supplement. Nutrition challenges me when it comes to my body, especially with eating enough to get it. I do take supplements, I have to be careful because some of the pills are gigantic and hard to swallow for me. 

While one of my sisters was visiting for a few weeks, she suggested mung bean sprouts and alfalfa sprouts. She showed me how to do it. I have been enjoying them. It is all done in a mason jar. She also got me The Sprout Book by Doug Evans. 

The Sprout Book will be a book that I will keep for a reference manual for my sprouting knowledge. He discusses sprouting broccoli and many other vegetables and that they have more nutritional value than the actual blooms of the vegetable plants. I found this to be  good information.  In the back of the book are some recipe ideas. This book is geared towards vegans and vegetarians, which I am not. I still found this book helpful and worth taking the time to read and learn from.  

I believe anyone who wants to gain good nutritional information will find this book valuable. Check it out. 

The Sprout Book

Doug Evans


This is from my own bookshelf.

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