Longevity is something I have been contemplating on for a long, long time. Most people think it means to live forever. It does not. It means leaving as well as possible with what you have. That means in whatever health state I am in. It is possible. Outlive is a great resource book to have on your shelf to read when you get diagnosis with a chronic illness This book is great for one really. Great research was done. You can tell Dr. Attla is a great researchers and that he loves people at the same. I’m that combination myself, so I have great respect for anyone who exhibits these qualities.
In March, I got sepsis from my leg wound not healing from the infection. Scary. The whole thing, including now is scary. Healing from sepsis takes a lot of energy and devotion to yourself and from others towards you. I am grateful for everyone who has stepped up. I have learned the process of slowing down and meeting the new medical needs and must do’s that is now on my list. Right now I struggle with food because of swallowing from my tracheotomy. Eating for healing is a different process than for losing weight or other reasons. DR. Attla recommends and tells everyone to slow down in everything they are doing. WE move way too fast. I happen to believe this is good sage advice. Even though I move slow like a turtle. I am always in a hurry. My mind is not in the slow frame of mind. I find it difficult to be in the slow pace. Europeans countries and cities take siestas all the time. They move slow, walk slow, and eat slow. No wonder they don’t get indigestion like Americans do.
This is not the only thing this book was about. It is also about comparing ourselves to others and why we should not do this. I am guilty as charged your honor. I compare every aspect of m life to how it should look and feel like. Guess what ends up a happening. I feel depressed even more so than I am. I don’t accomplish any of the goals I set out for myself. The worse part is our doctors compare other patients to other ones. How sad is that? Compression is a fantasy. Because none handles the same illness the same. Look at on of my big sisters and me. We can’t compare because even though we suffered the same trauma we have different personalties. It is amazing how in the same family you would know and some you would not. It is amazing. That is why you can’t make assumptions about people no matter what is going on in your life or theirs.
Like I said above this is a book for the thinkers and those who love to learn. Check it out.
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I won this book on Good Reads. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.