I have been missing, the longer I am gone the more I procrastinate and don’t write. I have had the writing use taping me on the shoulder telling me it is time for me to get back up and write and read again. Since December 2022 when I I ended up in the hospital with Sepsis from my leg wound that I have been fighting to heal since August of 2022. It is still not healed. Thankfully we know now what type of infection it is. I got a biopsy done three days before I ended up in the hospital. I had Streptococci. I did not have it in my throat, but on my leg. Strep can infect the skin and that is the kind I got. The doctors did not think to run the cultures they were doing through the strep one. That is why they were struggling trying to find the right medications that will get rid of it. Thankfully, it was gotten rid of. I am thankful. This round in the hospital I was close to deaths door step. It has taken me a long time to recover, I’m still recovering. I spent Christmas and New Years, all the way up to January 14 in the hospital . I’m still learning and getting back to my normal. I have done a lot of soul searching. I have a whole list o things that I want to share with everyone. I can’t do it all in this post. Let me tell it I am tired and overwhelmed by it all. I can imagine you will be too.
Here are some major things that have changed. Changes that have happened:
* My beloved caregiver Yelena is done. And now my caregiver is my life-long friend Amber. I’m happy about this one. We have fun together and she is an excellent worker. So far, everything is going perfectly. I hope she is happy like I am.
* I got a new hospital bed to replace the one I had my sepsis on. It is comfortable. I like it.
* I have a new wound clinic helping me and yes, I’m still waiting for the phone call from wound clinic so I can get scraped out and such.
* I am on high dosage of pain meds for leg every day. I do not like this. I will write more about this on a future post.
* I have lost over 60 pounds without realizing it. I’m utterly amazed by this news and seeing the weight loss changes on my body. My clothes don’t fit me well anymore. Honestly, they use to be too tight and now they are way to lose. The paints including leggings feel like tripping hazards but you wear what you have. I’ll write on this one too.
There are many more changes too. With nutrition and my home life. I have a lot of future posts to write. I am feeling stronger now to start sharing more.