It is not often that I do not connect with a book, Over It by Kelsey Grimm is one of those rare books that I have a hard time connecting to. That being said, I am positive with her encouraging message that others would connect and find value in reading this book. Just because I did not, does not mean someone else wouldn’t. This book is well written, and I can tell that Grimm is an authentic and fabulous woman. This memoir was just not for me and my style. Nothing personal. I enjoy reading memoirs, even when I do not connect with the author and their experience. It allows me to develop compassion and empathy for others who have different experiences than I do.

If you would like to purchase your own copy:


Over It

Kelsey Grimm

Worthy Publishing



I was given this book from Worthy Publishing. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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