It is hard to believe that June 2021 is gone. Time sure flies fast as I get older. It amazes me every year. I remember my parents saying the same thing. When I was young, I did not get it. I get it now. June’s fruit of the spirit was gentleness. I must admit that gentleness is tough for me. I struggled with this. I am a full force, bull in a China shop kind of gal. Being gentle was tough, especially when I was in the middle of not being able to breathe and trying to speak to the RN even when I wanted to throttle her. This is what I discovered about myself. Gentleness is something I do not know. I never experienced gentleness in relationships. All the women in my family have strong hands. We come from farm stock, we work hard, we are in the fields with the men plowing, ripping trees out by the roots, and shooting guns. This is what I know. I do understand the need for gentleness. When you are hurting whether physically, emotionally, or mentally having someone say a gentle word or touch you in a gentle manner is a healing balm to you. I do want to impart gentleness to my relationships and to my community. This is what I know about myself, being gentle is going to be a lifetime practice of learning for me. It is not something that comes naturally to me. Just like there is a time to be bold and rough, there is a time to be gentle and kind. The wisdom is knowing when it is time to do so. I am still learning to know when it is appropriate.

Keep breathing and I hope you have gentleness in your life. Until next time:

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