November, I started my skin care regiment after receiving several skin care products in subscription boxes. In one of those boxes, I received a Natural Jade Facial Roller. I was skeptical with all the claims. Since then, I have changed my mind. I use it twice a day with facial oil and my moisturizer. It is so relaxing, and the cold stone feels great on my skin. I have noticed that my skin is smoother, softer, and my skin looks better.

Using a natural stone jade roller on your face is a Chinese skin care practice that women have been using since the 17th Century. They believed that using a natural stone on your face helps with inflammation and redness on the skin. They rolled this roller from their chest up to their foreheads. They even have a Gua Sha that they use for the rest of the body to drain the lymphatic system.

Here are the benefits of using a Jade roller:

  • It brightens your skin.
  • It firms up your skin.
  • It helps your body get rid of toxins from the skin.
  • Drains the lymphatic drainage from face and body.
  • Relaxes the face.
  • De-puffs under your eyes
  • Increases Collagen production to reduce wrinkles.

I love using my roller so much that I purchases one for my friend who has fibromyalgia and lymphatic drainage issues. She is loving using the roller on her face and skin. I highly recommend this product for the chronically heal. It is so relaxing, and it feels wonderful.


Here is more information:

Healthline: The Art of Jade RollingĀ 

Women and Wellness: The Benefits of Jade RollingĀ 

Well and Good: The Pro Recommend

Gothamista: Facial Lymphatic Drainage Massage with Jade Roller

Amazon: List of Jade RollersĀ 


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