There are two types of pain you will go through in life: the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons. John Rohn

Whoa! 2019 is over. How did that happen? Time flew, didn’t it? It is now time for me to pick a new focus word for 2020. I have chosen Follow Thru. It is two words but has one meaning. I’m choosing to get the gastric sleeve on February 4th and I realize that I have a hard time with following through on my plans and intentions, so I am going to make that my focus this year. I’m aiming for big changes this year. 

It has taken me two years to get here.  My surgery is a month away and in a week and a half I will be starting the milk diet. The milk diet is going to be the hardest part for me so far, because I don’t like milk and soy is not my favorite either. From what I have researched cow milk and soy milk are equally not good for you, so I weighed the pros and the cons and I am going to drink soy milk. Today I calculated how much soy milk I will have to buy during a week. Since I have to drink 20 ounces for my three meals in one day that means I will be using a carton in one day. Yikes, so that means I need to purchase seven cartons for one week of meals. That is hard to imagine, isn’t it? I am determined to follow thru. 

This week I will be working on a strategy to keep my mind off of eating so I  break my milk diet. Right now, I’m thinking, watching movies, reading, writing, listening to music, visit someone, I just need a plan in order for me to be successful. 

I’ve created a binder with recipes, the milk plan, and all things related to my gastric sleeve so it is in one place, so I have a plan that I can grab and remind me of why I am doing this. 

I found the quote about to be fitting for right now. I’m choosing to go through the pain of being disciplined in order to live my best life. How about you?

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