2018 is almost gone and it is time to start another year and set another intentional word for 2019.


Reflection on my year of rebuilding is what is on my mind for this post. What have I learned, a lot. One, I give up too easily on myself. I have no idea why, I have no idea why being motivated doesn’t last long. Yet, I can be motivated to encourage and support others in their pursuits. I struggle with motivating and encouraging myself with mine. The struggle is real and hard.


I did learn that my physical strength is still there. It isn’t gone. It just needs to be fined tuned. I was blessed with having an awesome physical therapist and when I am reading for my I can request him again. One of my intentions next year is to do my exercise plan that I got from this physical therapist more constantly.


I also learned that seeking Gastric bypass surgery is a long process for some of us and I am one that it is taking longer than most. I’m still chugging along, but I often times have doubts that creep into my mind. I’m working with my counselor with these doubts and concerns. It’s a work in progress.


I’m grateful for a lot of things that happened this year. I still have my awesome caregiver. I appreciate her help a lot. I also have Nicholas my fur baby who comforts me on cold winter nights like tonight. He is also a great muse for me in my writing. In fact, he is sitting beside me watching me type making sure I’m doing it correctly. One that that I am especially thankful for is my diffuser that I received from a friend with some essential oils. I love it. I can’t smell, but somehow it works with me. I enjoy the light show the diffuser displays. It is comforting and soothing. I am also grateful for all the books that I got to read this year almost 220 books in all. Many of them I received in exchange for my review and I have enjoyed reading every one of them. I hope to keep on reading next year too. I will try and do more cookbooks and make the recipes from the books too.


My health is the same. I still have my trach tube. I still have to use my wheelchair when I have to go long distances. That is why I want to exercise, especially the standing exercises so that I don’t lose the strength in my legs. I’m grateful my health hasn’t gotten worse this year.


I’m not ready to start 2019 but I am ready to see what the year will bring. In my next post I will write about my next focus word for the year and why I chose it and how I struggled in choosing a word. Happy New Year! Have a fun night and be safe.

Breathe well, and remember find the joy in the celebration of the closing of another year. Until next time, God Bless You!

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