In my lifetime I have heard so many claims about being saved and I have not experienced any of those claims. In Eternity is Now in Session John Ortberg he writes about these claims and debunks many of them. The first claim, the one I have a hard time with is living only for the future of being in heaven with Jesus. According to Ortberg this is not the only reason Jesus died for us, he died so that we may live in the here and now not in some future place in heaven with streets of gold. I personally have been wondering about this claim for a long time. To me, Jesus doesn’t want us to save his peace and love and grace for some future place and time, but use these things now. As I have been walking my journey with my chronic illness I have learned the gift of grace, shalom, and love first hand. It has helped me maneuver some hectic and challenging curves as they have come upon me.

There is so much more offered in John Ortberg’s book and I think every Christian should consider reading and learning a different way of looking at the salvation that Jesus has provided for us in the future and the here and now.

If you would like to purchase your own copy:


Eternity is Now in Session

John Ortberg


I was given a copy from Tynsdale. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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