I cannot imagine how I would feel or handle having a  special needs child or one that required a lot of surgeries in order to fix a cleft palate. That is exactly what Hilary Yancey had to endure while carrying her child. Dealing with the medical changes of her child and helping this child grow into the person he is meant to be. I admire Yancey’s raw, authentic voice in her book Forgiving God. Pain is real, especially when it involves someone that you love dearly.

This is a wonderful book for anyone who is enduring a painful experience with raising a specials needs child or facing the challenge of a medical situation they cannot control or heal. This is a great book on forgiveness and loving and trusting God anyways.


If you would like to purchase this book:


Forgiving God

Hilary Yancey


In exchange for my review of Hilary Yancey’s book Forgiving God I was given a free copy from Faith Words. The opinions I express are my own and I was not influenced.

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