The Hard Decision
If you follow me on Facebook or are one of my friends on Facebook you might have read that I am Pursuing Bariatric Surgery. This was not an easy decision for me to make. It has taken me years. Choosing to change your stomach with surgery shouldn’t be an easy decision and believe me it wasn’t. Since I have written an article about bariatric surgery, I thought I would write several articles as I take each step towards my ultimate goal of getting bariatric surgery.
Step One
From the research I have done, I know getting bariatric surgery is not an easy process. It’s long and it requires several steps. I’m on step one. I also know that this isn’t just a quick fix. It will require me to change my habits and learn new ways of eating. It requires me of giving up on my already formed opinions, doubts, reservations, fears, anxieties, shame, and guilt about considering getting such an operation.
Changing What I Think
One of my thoughts I have been thinking is this is an easy way out and I’m coping out. I know I’m not, in reality. I’m surrendering to the fact that I cannot do this on my own. I need medical help, along with the support of people in my life. I’m required to dive deep, to let go, forgive, move in a different and uncharted territory.
I have never been the skinny girl. I have been the fat girl, the victim of many types of abuse, but never a skinny girl. Being the skinny girl frightens me.
Getting Help
Here is where I am and what I have done so far: I saw my primary doctor at the end of November to request a referral to a Bariatric Surgeon. I got my blood test results and after seeing the recommended nutritionist and following their Diabetic Eating Program, I not only gained weight, but my A1C when up. I am so frustrated by this.
Since last year I have been contemplating getting Weight Loss Surgery. God works mysteriously. I was provided a wonderful caregiver who has gone through the entire process of Gastric Bypass. She is going to support me. I also know I have the support of my family and close friends. That has given me to the strength and encouragement to take the steps. God has been talking to me about rebuilding, recreating, and focusing on being alive. My obesity is one of the biggest challenges and it is something I can do something about. My trachea is another issue I have, but there isn’t anything I can do about it other than live with my trach and do what I need to in order for me to live well.
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
There is a possibility that I might not qualify for weight loss surgery. I’m working on preparing myself for that, “No.” Yet, I am still pursuing and going ahead anyway. I’m trusting God that he will provide me with what I need to live my best life. He hasn’t let me down yet.
I already had one obstacle in this process. I wanted to have the surgery here in Vancouver but that is not an option. I have to go to Seattle because the bariatric surgeon in Vancouver doesn’t take my insurance. My primary doctor sent the referral to the wrong place up north, they don’t accept my type of insurance either. I am now waiting for the phone call from University of Washington Weight Loss Management Center.
I’m familiar with University of Washington. I have had several tracheal dilation surgeries there and I like the doctors and staff there. I personally believe this is God’s, “Yes,” for me and it is all going to work out for me. If I am not able to get the bariatric surgery, I am sure they will help me work out a plan that I can accomplish safely for me.
Right now, I am waiting. Anyone who has a medical condition knows the waiting game well. One must wait for the phone call, the appointment, the information, the blood work, and a whole host of different things. I’ve been through this process before when it has concerned my trachea. Thankfully I have some DVD’s that I have checked out of my library, great books, a cat, 2 fish, and a whole host of people to keep my occupied while I wait. As Tom Petty so eloquently sang “The Waiting Is The Hardest Part”.
If you need some help making a hard decision as part of your comprehensive wellness plan please contact Karen G Clemenson at Wellness Works NW in Longview, Washington. She serves people in Cowlitz County and Columbia County Oregon.
Here are some links I would like to share with you:
- YouTube: Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers; The Waiting
- Related Articles
- Pros & Cons of Bariatric Surgery
- The Importance of Vitamin B-12
- What is Wellness?
- Is Your Diet a Trusted Wellness Tool or Just a Fad?
- Learning About Vitamin D
Jamie Holloway
lives in the Portland, Oregon area. Since October 2011 she has been sharing her Journey Toward Health and Wellness with Vasculitis through her blog at As most of her articles will be about Men’s Health, Jamie intends to write her articles as though she was sharing important information with her brother, nephews and friends. We hope you are as inspired as we are with the raw candor Jamie uses in her writing. If you would like to help support Jamie’s writing efforts please Donate now.