The last couple of months I have been in a funk. I have not felt like writing and researching. I miss it, but the words are stuck. Recently I have been dreaming about throwing things out of the house and the rebuilding. That tells me it is time to through out the old me and start to rebuild. My older sister is studying Nehemiah. She said its about rebuilding. I will be reading this.
The last couple of months all I have been doing is going to doctor appoints. My life seems overrun by my illness. I hate it. In August I had my 120th dilation surgery. I also had my infusion of Rituximab. This month is dentist and getting my port flushed, and eye doctor and getting a CT Scan. I am getting the results on Tuesday.
I hate looking at self-care as a chore or a job. Why is it challenging to care for yourself? I am finding out that self-care isn’t glamorous or the yogi with candles, hot baths, coloring or snuggling with my Nicholas. Self-care also involves the hard, nasty, and ugly things like getting chemo,having port flushed every month. These are the things I need in order to keep breathing and maneuvering through my days.
I believe God is telling me that it is time to reconstruct and rebuild, so that my temple, my body will be ready for whatever He will have me to do.

Be well my friends….

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