September has arrived. F all will be here shortly. I love fall. The falling leaves that have turned from green to orange, red, yellow, and brown and the rainy cool days and nights are my favorite. I am ready for quiet and rest that seems to be what autumn is about.

August was full of medical appointments that included my infusion of Rituximab. This time around I experienced nausea and a vomit episode. I had to go to urgent care because due to my trach the vomit can go into my lungs and cause me issues. Not fun.
This month I started diving deeper in my eating pattern. My nutritionist wants me to limit carbs especially after having a shot of steroids. With chemo comes steroids. After I get the steroids and the Rituximab I leave feeling like I have been jacked up. I couldn’t sleep the first night and then I crash. I am still thankful for the medication, because it helps me to live well.

September is full of medical appointments too. I continuing physical therapy, seeing a dentist, and doing art therapy. I still feel like I need fun in my life. Fun that doesn’t include doctors or nurses. It will happen.

Remember to breathe, until next time,




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