

I’m still in recovery mode from when I had my surgery one week ago. While in the hospital I started reading “The Message” Bible, which I enjoy. It makes a ton more sense to me than if I were to read thy shalt not, etc.

Here is the scripture from “The Message Bible” that I received.

The Message Bible: Romans 12:1-2

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday ordinary life-your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life – and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.


Since I have been home, sleeping, eating, pooping, and all those fun things you do while recovering I have been thinking about sacredness. What that means in my daily life? We don’t talk about sacred anymore. Heck, I am not sure I know what sacred means anymore.

Sacred means: divinely blessed, Holy, divinely inspired. If I were to take the meaning of Romans 12 and then definition of what sacred means how would I apply that to my ordinary life?

For the last couple of nights I have been waking nightly with voice telling me to I need to start doing sacred walking. I woke thinking, what the heck does that mean? Is it the pain medication that is talking to me? Am I watching too much TV about Mother Teresa? I don’t think I am. Since my last surgery on the 9th, I feel changed. Here is how I feel changed:

  • I no longer feel the desire to be right about anything.
  • I feel calm. I just know that things are just going to be alright. I don’t have to worry anymore.
  • I can make better choices of the people I choose to allow into my inner circle.
  • My heart hurts from the abuses I see everyone doing to each other. We seem to miss the most important ingredient, valuing each other above things.
  • And I no long have to be right about anything.


This morning, as I read Romans 12 and Paul tells us to place the everyday ordinary before God as though it is sacred. I start realizing that I need more sacred in my life. I need to place my writing before God, even when I am writing about my cat bouncing off the walls calling my name. I need to see the inspired, Holy, and the blessed in everything before me.

This is what I am thinking about this morning, finding the sacred, being inspired, awed, and blessed no matter what it is. I hope you all find that for you.

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