Six years ago when this whole tracheal stenosis and Wegener’s began I never thought I would be this strong right now. I wouldn’t be in this spot in my life where my trachea is open and that I am able to breathe well. That I could get up and just walk to the kitchen without having to think through the process before I even began walking.


Before my surgery on May 25th. I was breathing through a cocktail straw.


After the surgery. I’m breathing so much better…

On May 25th, I went in for my 110th tracheal stenosis surgery. I tried a new ventilation system for me so that I could breathe and get the metamyacin-c drug put on the area that scar tissue was cut out of my trachea. This time while Dr. Anderson was lasering things out, he took photographs of the before and after. Now I can visually share what I had breathing through clearly. That way I could see the miracle this truly is.

Dr. Anderson used Jet Ventilation instead of the normal ventilating I was put on before. I was kept fully oxygenated and the cancer drug was fully applied and dried. I woke up well.

Here is what I am fully amazed at. I am done. No more surgeries. If and I have no doubts that this will be true but if the metamyacin-drug does its job. No more scar tissue with grow back and I will no longer be breathing through a cocktail straw.

Now I can start dreaming and planning for my future. I can start striving for more than just being able to breathe. At this exact moment I am not sure where God is leading me, but I do know that the first steps include getting physically stronger and getting some weight off and working towards encouraging others. That is what I am focusing on and dreaming about now.

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