John 5:6

When Jesus noticed a man lying there, helpless, knowing that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, Do you want to become well? Are you really in earnest about getting well?


A couple of mornings ago I was shown John 5:6. It made me think about my own wellness. Especially am I willing to do the hard work it takes to be well or do I want to stay sick and disabled. The rebel in me says no I don’t. I’m going to kick buttocks and get well. Then there is a small part of me that says this is too much work, I’m too tired, and I don’t have the energy. I just can’t do this anymore. The negative I know is from Satan and his principalities trying to get me to stop.

So the last couple of days I have been journaling on this subject and I have been praying a lot more than I usually do and with a lot more depth. Can you tell I have been reading Priscilla Shirer’s book Fervent? I’m not finished with it, because I am absorbing all the information. In my journey, I started answering my questions and coming up with a plan. Wellness looks different for everyone. What works for me is not going to work for someone else? God created us all to be different, we are the same, but we are different. It’s an oxymoron. Our needs are different, what makes us happy is different. What is the same is the connections we all need and the fact that we all need to feel valued and need Jesus.

Here are my needs for my wellness:


  • Spending time with God every morning, through reading my Bible, praying, and listening to worship music.
  • Healthy, real food. Food that fills me up and allows me to not run to the bathroom after I just consume it.
  • I need sleep.
  • I feel less chaotic and less of a mess when I journal what my feelings are, plans that I want to make, goals, and the connections I am making.
  • Moving my body. I finally got the okay from my doctor to move my body. Now, I just need to wait for my toe to heal a bit more. I know that balance and strength training will be my first priority. My balance sucks and I want to build more muscle and be the behemoth of the woman I used to be.
  • Writing and researching. I enjoy this. It makes me happy. I love sharing what I am learning with my community. In order for me to write and research I have to spend time with God, eat well, sleep, journal, and move my body.


Are you ready to be well? Are you passionate about it? Are you ready to do the hard work that is necessary?

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