Yes, it is that time of month where I reflect on my goals that I set for myself in September and pick new goals for October. Having surgery on the 9th set me back on a couple of my goals for the month. It seems I’m always having some sort of set back with my Vasculitis and RA. I figure, if I keep striving to move forwards and I have setbacks it’s not the end of the world. At least I’m improving.
September’s goals were:
5 recipes from the eating well magazine. I managed to do two of them. I did the Spanatopia potatoes and the Apple Chai Butter. Yum! They were both delicious. Then I got sidetracked with my surgery and preparing for that.
Walk with Jesse and Kelly. Did not happen. Since I needed another Bronchoscopy and Larynxscopy done. Not fun. It takes 8 weeks to recover and I am only in week 3.
Strength training… I started. I found a great foot exercise with the stretch band that I love doing. I also received from Netflix a great DVD on core exercises on the ball. I’ve got some new tools in under my belt.
Play a board game. I did this. I played Sorry with my nephew. It was so fun. I hope to continue to do this with him.
Train for my 5 K race. Sadly, I realize that this is a pipe dream. I can’t do. Ugh!
New goals for October:
I had to think about this for a bit. Since I have to be realistic about what I can do. I know that part of my journey to getting to the point of the receiving the re-sectioning surgery is losing some weight so that healing is better for my body. I have to keep that in mind. I also need to keep in my mind moving my body so that I won’t have atrophied muscles. And I need to relax and express my emotions more. I haven’t been able to do.
Color for relaxation. My sister printed out some color pages that were offered for free print out. I colored my first one last night. It helped. I spent an entire our picking out the colors I want to color with. I felt so relaxed. I will have to purchase an adult coloring book.
Go for walk with Kelly and Jesse. I might have to be pushed in my wheelchair because I’m not fully recovered from my surgery. I want to get out and enjoy the rain and the fall weather. I would like to go visit a corn maze. I have never done this and I would like to.
Strength Training. My exercises will consist of more strength training than cardio. Since Cardio to me is just getting up to walk to the bathroom. Thankfully, I have the tools for that.
Eat four plant based meals. Last night, I watched the Jazzy Vegetarian and she made stuffed butternut squash and it looked so yummy. I know I want to make this recipe. And I’m sure I can find 3 other recipes to try out too.
Make 4 smoothies. Since I received the nutria-bullet for my birthday this will be a snap. I’m currently reading Tara Stiles new cookbook (I will write a review in the future) I want to try some of her smoothie recipes out.
Journal. I feel like I have lost touch with myself concerning my emotions. I need to get back to base and journal things out.
Enjoy your October everybody!