

Purr Therapy by Kathy McCoy is a delightful book about therapy cats. McCoy talks about her experience and how Timmy helped her in her practice to help facilitate healing in her patients. I have heard about therapy dogs, but never have heard about therapy cats.

I own cat. You have read about Nicholas in my blog many times. Since I have been sick he has been a faithful, loving, and respectful companion for me. I have never been a cat person. I have always loved dogs. I still want a dog. I hope to accomplish this dream someday. For now, I have a cat. I love Nicholas. I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

I met Nicholas 4 years ago when my niece found him and his sisters abandoned in the field behind their house. I had been thinking about getting a pet. I wanted a dog, but I also knew that with my health being the way it is. I wouldn’t be able to take proper care of a dog. I met Nicholas and decided he was going to be my cat. My niece was excited.

Nicholas has been through every obstacle with me. When we first met I didn’t have a trach, and after coming home with a trach. It took him a bit to get used to me sounding funny. He thought I was hissing at him. I wasn’t. He adjusted though and is not afraid of my noisy throat anymore. I can always count on him. He knows my health is not great and so he sleeps at the corner of my bed like a guard dog. We have been through a lot together. In a sense, I could consider him my therapy cat. I love the way he grabs my hand when it is cuddle time. Or how he sniffs my throat knowing that I am having a painful day with my stoma. He just knows. I also love that he is clever with the ability to open a sliding glass door on his own. Or how he can jump up and catch and eat a moth in midair.

So ready Purr Therapy felt like me saying oh I know those moments. I am not looking forward to when Nicholas will no longer be with me. I felt McCoy’s heart break when Timmy and Marina passed away. But I am thankful she still has Maggie and Gus to sooth her. I recommend this book to those of us who have cats and they are our companions and sooth us. Because not only does McCoy tell the story of her cats, but she also shares the wisdom is has learned from watching them connect with other cats and humans. I like that.

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