Weight loss and eating healthy is important to me at this exact moment in my life. You see I have a Vasculitis disease that wreck’s havoc on my body and cause my body to attack itself. My adventures with living with a trach and dealing with all the emotions, physical in activity, and extreme exhaustion have been a challenge. I also take Prednisone and other drugs that reave up your appetite and that is not a good thing when you are fighting a disease.
In “Wellness 100” Dr. French tells her readers to ditch the fad diets and focus on just eating fresh vegetables, fruit, lean proteins, dairy, and carbs in moderation. Then her co-writer Kari Morris has some great looking recipes to try out. This seems doable. It is back to what I learned at the beginning of my journey with food from the nutrition I saw a few times. I know eating more of the crusificious vegetables would do my body good.
One of my challenges that I face is that I have the knowledge but implanting them is a whole another story. That is the real challenge for me. I will aim to fix that this coming year.
Check out “Wellness 100” for some great ideas and get back to the basics of healthy nutrition and get rid of those fad diets that don’t seem to have long lasting results.