Restoration seems to be on this ladies mind this week. My throat is being restored to a healthy state. I never thought, yes I will admit that a part of me lost hope of ever having the ability to breathe like everyone else in this world. Yet, God is so awesome I am getting my wish. I am anxiously waiting for October 9th in which I will hopefully go in for my final and last dilation surgery. Considering that I have had over 30 dilation surgeries in the last four years.

Since I got the news about how great my throat was doing ideas have been evading my dreams. Two especially, writing another book, which means putting away “Finding Joy with Illness” and start writing “Beyond The Trach” and getting my writing done in 7 months. I also have a vision that I hope to put into fruition. Voices of Healing which will emotionally support those who are having difficulties using their voice I want to be able to give them encouragement and support. I thought since I am don’t know anything about how to start a business or even run a business that I must start out with a business plan and also doing a bit of research of the needs of those I want to help. I don’t just want to help those with voice issues; I want to be able to help anyone who feels like they don’t have a voice with their illness. Emotional support is so important while dealing with the trauma of one’s health.

I found Score a resource for people who want to start their own business and they have a group of individuals who help. I found a few workshops that I can do on-line to help me write up my business plan and implement things even with taxes. I have an idea of talking to my Otolaryngologist up north and see if he can offer me any ideas and then of course my counselor I see here. I am working up the nerve to ask those questions and see what insights I can gather. I finally got brave and asked my questions on Facebook, but it is so different when you don’t have to look them in the eye. I still have that fear of rejection, but heck if I want it bad enough I will ask my questions and see what happens. 

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