This weekend I dedicated to getting my environment set up for success. I reorganized my kitchen to meet my needs better. I put the dish drainer on the other side of the kitchen sink and the counter next to the stove I setup my cutting board, measuring cups, and teaspoons and tablespoons so it is easy access for when it is time to measure my food. Saturday I researched the amounts I should eat of carbs, fats, proteins, and fiber. I was a bit overwhelmed with the information, but after getting some sleep I feel a bit better about facing this new challenge. I am ready to step into a different door concerning my health and no longer just be a talker but a doer. I am still struggling with the exercise component because I know that I must to the therapy exercises before I can do the mega exercises that I see everyone doing. I am not ready to do burpees. Right now I am looking at my thera-band that I got when I do pulmonary rehab last spring. It is hanging over my bedroom door calling my name. Use me, it is time lady. You will be strong. You will be healthier. That is your dream isn’t it?

Starting Monday all the way to next weekend is Invisible Illness Week and I am blogging for this. I am also doing Back 2 Basics this entire month with Brook and crew. I am being inspired daily. I have all the support I need, including from myself. 

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