Invisible Illness Week is upon us. This year’s theme is I choose. I spent a long time thinking about the things that I choose on a daily basis. When I think about it I realize I make a lot of choices that those who are not in my shoes might not make.
One thing I have chosen since becoming ill is living. I choose to do things when I can, stepping outside of my apartment to use the Internet, blogging, losing weight despite taking prednisone, not focusing on being sick all the time, and enjoying my life. I have stepped up and starting doing more of the things I love.
Yes, I do have to think things through a little more than the average woman my age. I can’t live mindlessly. I can’t just jump and go. Yet I will not allow my illness to stop me from enjoying the life I was given. That doesn’t mean I don’t have flare ups that knock me on my butt or even cause me to curse, but for the majority of this journey of mine I have lived.
I have made amazing friends who bring me bread, move furniture for me, or who just listen when I need them to. I have a family who is willing to drive the 3 hours to Seattle and back in order for me to see my doctors. I have a caregiver whom I have learned to trust with doing chores and go shopping for me on days when I am not able to go with him.
Living a healthy life is possible even with an invisible illness. That is what I am aiming for. How about you?