
“Life in Transition” offers the reader a chance to dive deeper into their soul.  To dig, to prod, to ruminate on how they want their lives to be. The journal exercises and the spiritual exercises open up the heart to a new perspective, a new way of healing the pain of loss. Hasan writes about her own loss, her own journey through the rejection she has felt in her life. She shares stories from different cultures that open up the mind to a new way of viewing things and therefore to heal.

In the journal exercise about writing down what you have loss. I didn’t realize how much I have loss in my life. I never truly looked at the painful experiences that hover over me. I realize rejection is the main theme. I was rejected by my own mother, who mentally and physically abused me up until she died when I was 13. Then the rejection of my older sister and her family when I moved in with them after our mother’s death and the painful and chaotic experiences that I had to endure in order to survive. Then moving in with a completely different type of family dynamic and feeling so out of place in that environment that I didn’t know what to do with myself.  I have had a life of change and rejection.  Writing on this, I realize perhaps that is why I have chosen toxic people in my life who I knew from the beginning would reject my friendship. They only needed me to do what I can do make their lives easier and once I was not able to do it anymore I was rejected and thrown out the door.  Yet I still tried to fight for them to stay. I did this because I was afraid of the unknown, but that has changed now. While I have been dealing with my illness I have had the opportunity to truly look and evaluate these aspects of my life and I didn’t want to be rejected anymore. The only one who has never rejected me was Jesus.

As you can see this book brings out an opportunity to see a new perspective. Though I had to think about my losses, I was also then able to think about my gains. I realize that I am strong. I can endure. I am capable. I have talents. I do make an amazing friend, sister, aunt, daughter, and girlfriend (when I was in a relationship). I am ready to step through the new chapter of my life and through the door that is waiting for me. I have started and I am going to run with this with unabridged happiness.

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