On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us. 2 Corinthians 1: 1
Good morning! It is 4:12 AM and I am awaiting my day to start. Today is a big day for me. I am having another surgery to get the stitches out of my throat, putting in a uncuffed trach so that talking is a bit easier, and of course a biopsy of the granulations that are forming in my throat, and then Rituximab infusion treatment.
I feel blessed by the support I have been shown through-out my ordeal. Last night I had a high blood pressure 156/100 due to not being able to take my blood pressure medicine for a week and the Solumedrol treatment that I have taken for the last three days too.
With the Solumedrol treatments I have noticed significant change in how my legs, arms, fingers, toe, ankles feel. I do not feel swollen. I hate being in the hospital. I would rather be at home with my Nicholas. I do have to admit that I enjoy many of the nurses who have popped in and out of my room daily, and I have enjoyed sharing my big bag of chocolate with them.
I do have an embarrassing story to share with you. Due to the Solumedrol and pain medication I have had to take I was constipated well finally I had an awesome poop. There is nothing like a good poop to make this girl feel like a butterfly. Well apparently I pooped so much that the toilet couldn’t handle my gift so it decided that it needed to overflow all over the flow. Embarrassing things happen a lot, but how you let it affect you is another story. I laughed, because one thing is I didn’t do it on purpose, second, everyone has overflowed a toilet once or twice in their life. To be perfectly honest it was funny. We girls had a great laugh.
I am looking forward to my surgery this morning. Even though last Wednesday I felt like I was going backwards, in reality, I am moving forward but in a different way. I am hopefully getting some medication that will help me get rid of the swelling in my throat so that I can breathe and get some resemblances of a life going. And I have noticed that I am encourager even if I am in a grouchy, stinky mood.
God has given me hope and hope is what this woman needs a lot of. How has God given you hope this week? I would be interested in hearing your story.