What a day! I drove three hours to Seattle in order to visit my Rhematologist and my ENT. I love my doctors. They truly do seem to care, even if things happen that I don’t like.
Dr. Gardner, my Rhematologist went well. I finally succumbed to the advice of my sisters to get a wheel chair to aide me in my quest for a healthy life, a more fulfilled life. I got my script. I also talked to the doctor about the pain I have been having from my butt cheek to the end of my toes and that my toes are numbed. He said that my I have Piriformis Syndrome, which means that my Sciatic nerve is being pinched by the Piriformis nerve which is causing all the issues there. Since I already used up my allotment of physical therapy he told me to Google exercises to do at home to help that nerve. I did and I find this good YouTube video with three exercises I believe I can do to help me. When Vickie got home tonight she went to wash up some clothes for us and she found a set of 3 pound weights at the giveaway table. I know God is letting me know that it is time for me to be more than a hermit sitting on my bed day dreaming about running around doing the things I want to do. I refuse to become a whiner. Vickie I have done a few rounds of boxing upper cuts and other rounds of exercises. She used to be an amateur boxer in Florida. We have been inspiring each other since she has been here. She and I have also been cooking up a storm. She is an excellent cook and has been showing me some awesome ideas to help me to make healthy meal when I am exhausted. I am grateful for that help.
ENT: I didn’t get to see Dr. Hillel this time, but I saw his intern Dr. Allen. Let me tell you I think Dr. Allen is a handsome man and nope I did not mind him getting extremely close to me in order to stick the device down the tube either. The good news is the swelling has gone down. Yes, I still have pain from the whole experience, but he told me that soon my throat will become opened up even more than it is now. It is limited right now because of the swelled up vocal cords. I am happy for the good news. I feel comfortable with my T-Tube. Yes, it is strange having a plastic, flexible tube sticking out my throat. I love breathing, so I won’t complain too much about it. There is progress. There is a big light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, I am not what I expected. My expectations were not met at all. The people who I thought were going to support me, a one ran completely away. The others stayed and a few came back into my life and become a great support system for me.
Monday morning I will be turning in the script for my wheel chair and then I will be on my way to building up my endurance.