While in ICU three amazing people gave me some cute stuffed toys to liven my spirits. The bottom is Jacob the lamb, from my friends Summer Clemenson and Karen Gidderon, who drove all the way to Seattle from Longview just to visit me for a couple of hours. The lambs face reminded me of Nicholas’ face and brought a lot of comfort to me. I slept with him in my bed, with his sweet face looking at me, just like Nicholas would have done at home. The rose pink colored bear is from my sister in law Kris, she saw it at the gift shop the first night I was there and thought I should have it. She is so soft, and just the sweetest and softest bear I have ever had. The third is a tiger, a pink tiger from my Cousins Marsha and Terry McFarling who drove all the way up to see me too from Longview. These three stuffed animals brightened up my room during the eleven day stay I had. Thank you so much.

This journal is from my sister Carri, her best friend Janet, and their friend Kris who gave me this journal over a year ago during my month long stay in the hospital the time before. I never used it, but the other day I saw it, the message on the front which says “Beauty Rose Up From The Healing Of Her Deepest Wounds” touched my heart. I have made a choice to use this journal as a gratitude journal during this journey of healing I am on. Thank you Carri, Janet, and Kris, I love this a lot.


I bought this journal, because of the Paris motif, another city I hope to someday explore. I bought this journal before I went into surgery and I had a purpose for it. I am going to be writing out my prayers to God, my wants, and my hearts desire during this period of time.

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