Message from Jamie Holloway
For eleven years I have been learning to live well with chronic illness. It hasn’t been perfect. I haven’t always been successful at achieving my goals. It has been a chaotic, messy, learning experience that has made my life adventurous. I have learned a lot about how complicated, dangerous & even emotionally, spiritually & mentally draining living with several diagnoses is.
I am asked by my many doctors, nurses, caregivers, friends, family, strangers & store clerks how I have maintained my good attitude despite the many medical adventures, I have lived through, that might have left me feeling bitter, angry, broken & unforgiving. All I can say is, I made decisions & I followed through. One decision was to fight for me. Jesus fought for me so why shouldn’t I?
I also realized, I didn’t want my crawl through lifelong sickness, just for my own benefit. I wanted to be a wellness advocate & help those who are in the same predicament. I wanted to be one of the helpers that Mr. Roger’s speaks about. I do this by reminding myself that my attitude can help me navigate through the dark channels of chronic illness.
I am determined to say thank you to the doctors, nurses, caregivers, anyone who helps me. Showing gratitude reminds you that your life is not over just because you are sick. I say thank you & I mean it. I also decided that I didn’t want to become idle. I want to actually accomplish something, so I started writing.
I believe communicating my pain, needs, & being willing to listen as part of communication allows me to be able to be in a good relationship with my team. I have a good support system of family, friends, doctors, nurses, & caregivers who allow me to achieve many of the goals I have made. I am able to live in my home & able to keep on breathing, writing, reading & loving on my boy, Nicholas.
Since 2017 I have been an owner of Wellness Works NW. I serve as the Research Manager. I am a lead writer & my column is called Chasing Wellness.

Read Jamie’s Latest Blog Posts…
Book Review: Breadcrumbs
Caregiving is an intimate job, especially when it involves a family member or close friend. I was a caregiver for ten years for someone that I love. One of my older sisters was one for our mom until she passed away in October. It is intimidating, challenging,...
Book Review: Iron Hope
Living with chronic illness you learn alot about endurance and managing the pain and doing the impossible. I live with chronic illness and I know what endurance is. So, when I first received Iron Hope by James Lawrence I was not that inspired to read it....
Book Review: Rippening Time
Recently, I was given an opportunity to read Ripening Time by Patrice Gopo. I have read Gopo’s children’s book All the Places We Call Home and loved it. Ripening Time is a beautifully crafted children’s book about plantains. I have to be honest, I have...
Book Review: Religion is Not Done With You
When I first started reading Megan Goodwin and Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst book Religion is Not Done With You I was confused. I did not understand what their premise was. The title confused me a bit. I was still intrigued. Goodwin and Fuerst's concept of viewing...
Book Review: Be Ready When the Luck Happens
I have been incredibly excited about Ina Garten’s memoir since I heard it was coming out in September of 2024. I find her graceful, elegant, and everything I wished I was, but sadly I am not. I am rough, I am tumble, I am made like a bull ox in a china shop. I...
2024 Adventures!
Currently writing this post on Christmas Day! I am alone. Like I always am. I have gotten used to this new way of living. Since being chronically ill I have learned to live alone and do things alone. I am not happy about it. However, I...
Book Review: The Artist Way ToolKit
2024 has been a rough year in my writing life. I had high hopes of focusing on my writing, but my life had some chaos mixed in that I was not anticipating. That is why a few weeks ago when I received The Artist’s Way Toolkit by Julia Cameron I knew God was...
Book Review: Meat Pies
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Goodbye Mom: Thank You For Choosing Me
I am writing this on October 25, 2025. It is 12:05 in the morning. I just got the message from my sister that my mom passed away and went home to be with Jesus and my dad. My emotions are irrational, and all over the place. The younger Jamie is having a fit and...
Book Review: The Sprout Book
I recently got a bunch of blood work done. I discovered that I am low in iron and my protein levels are extremely low, especially albumin. This indicates I need to eat more protein and iron rich foods and take an iron supplement. Nutrition challenges me when it...